Anand Tiwari
Anand Tiwari
InfoSecurity Enthusiast, Author of ArcherySec tool.

Top 5 New Features in ArcherySec 2.0 Release

We have been working on our open-source project for a while and we have made tremendous growth by helping the community by solving through the ArcherySec Open-source project. Recently we have released a new version of ArcherySec and I’m going to highlight the top 5 new changes we made.

Policy-Based CI/CD integration

ArcherySec now has a powerful policy-based CI/CD integration of security scanners and orchestrates in your CI/CD pipeline that helps you run the security tools seamlessly. We have optimized security tools and are helping you to inject them into your pipeline stages. We have policy-based running scanners that help you create pipeline policy and stop your build based on your rule setup in ArcherySec. Know more.

New Dashboard Show Vulnerability Trend

The ability to see the vulnerability trending every month on the dashboard gives you visibility in your vulnerability management. Know more.

Multi-user Role-Based Accounts Admin, Analyst & Viewer

We have announced a role-based authorization feature in ArcherySec 2.0 and roles can be defined for local ArcherySec users in order to control the information they see and the actions they can perform. Know more.

Test Scanners Connection

ArcherySec 2.0 provides you to test remote scanners connection through our connector module. Now users can onboard a security scanner and test the connection between ArcherySec and the scanner. Know more.

API-Key based Authentication

ArcherySec has now access key-based authentication that allows you to connect with ArcherySec API and CLI. To know more

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